- 2023-04-19
- Graduates’ Stories
- Views:1368
编者按: 今年早申阶段,上海宏润博源学校12年级徐同学成功获得梦校克莱蒙特·麦肯纳学院的录取通知。克莱蒙特·麦肯纳学院(简称CMC),是美国顶级私立文理学院,也是美国最难录取的文理学院之一,2023US News文理学院排名第9。 今年CMC在中国大陆只录取3位同学,徐同学是其中之一。
Editor's Note: At this year’s ED/EA stage, Sean Xu, a 12th grader of SHBS was successfully admitted to Claremont McKenna College, his dream institution. As a top private liberal arts college, CMC is also one of the most difficult to apply for in the United States, and ranks 9th among all the liberal arts colleges on 2023 US News. This year, CMC has only planned to enroll three students from Chinese mainland, and we are proud that Sean is one of them.
Read the following article Sean has shared with us, and you will surely benefit a lot from it.
徐同学自述Sean's Account
Actually, I have many hobbies, such as playing the guitar and singing, working out, hiking and reading etc. Feeling more relaxed since the application season is over, I will spend more time developing my hobbies so that I can improve myself before studying abroad.
在校内GPA方面,我的加权GPA在全校名列前茅:4.74. 非加权GPA在3.95 (10年级至现在各科全A)。 由于我们学校主要是AP课程体系,我在G10、11、12分别学习了3门、7门、4门AP。其中11年级所学的AP课程由于疫情取消了考试,目前仅有G10的三门AP,均为5分。
In terms of GPA at school, I have got 4.74, among the highest weighted GPAs of the whole school,and my unweighted GPA is 3.95 (I have been a straight A student since I was a 10th grader). As our school adopts an AP curricular system, I took 3, 7, and 4 AP courses in my 10th, 11th and 12th grade respectively. So far I have got straight 5’s in the only 3 AP exams I took in my 10th grade because the AP exams I was to take in my 11th grade were canceled due to the covid-19 pandemic.
在offer发放的前一晚,我躺在床上辗转反侧,一心只想能一觉睡到第二天早上9点,以免经历offer发放前的各种忐忑。 然而事与愿违,整整一夜都处于半梦半醒的状态。天微微亮的时候,我意识到,这个决定我未来几年学习体验的时刻即将到来。 于是乎,六点左右我就起了床,尝试了各种方式试图平静疯狂跳动不安的心脏。最后在清晨的冷风中站桩了半小时后,把对offer的执念降到最低时,点开了学校官网。 当满屏飘彩与烟花映入眼帘的时候,预想中收到offer的狂喜并没有到来,反而一种异样的不真实感与淡然的欣慰感同时占据了我的内心——好像一切都如梦似幻般美丽,又如一切就该如此自然地发生。 收到offer的瞬间是一个开始,象征着未来四年崭新的体验,也是一个终点,意味着一个能够客观反观过去阶段的重要契机。
The night before my offer was released, I was lying in bed tossing and turning, hoping to sleep until 9:00 a.m. the next day to avoid feeling upset. Contrary to what I expected, however, I was half asleep the whole night. As the day dawned, I realized that the moment that would determine my learning experience for the next few years was coming. So I got up around 6:00 and tried various ways to calm my frantically beating heart. Finally, after standing in the cold morning air for half an hour, I clicked on the school's website when I had minimized my obsession with the offer. When the colorful screen and fireworks came into my eyes, the expected ecstasy of receiving an offer did not come, but a strange sense of unreality and slight relief occupied my mind at the same time - I felt as if everything were as beautiful as a dream, and as if everything should happen so naturally. The moment I received the offer was a beginning of my new experience in the next four years to come, and also an end, meaning an important opportunity for me to objectively reflect on my past.
My high school is a relatively new one, and we are the 5th graduating class. However, it has a team of experienced managing and teaching staff. In my view, the most valuable things our school has provided us are a quiet and separate learning environment and plenty of opportunities for us to develop and improve ourselves.
Our school is located in Qingpu District, Shanghai. We have our own beautiful campus, which looks like a fictitious land of peace and beauty. Meanwhile, our school offers a very diversified and individualized curricular system, which allows each student to choose the most appropriate courses based on their own academic status and to explore various subject areas so that we can build on our strengths and avoid our weaknesses.
At our school, we have access to nearly all kinds of opportunities as long as we are willing to try, and we can often voice our opinions on the construction of our community: running for ASB, founding clubs, expressing our views at the Beicheng Forum, etc. Immersed in the democratic, free and humanistic atmosphere provided by our school, we are encouraged to think independently and critically. In addition, the school has also provided a broad stage for us to show our talents, allowing us to connect with the outside world by participating in various extracurricular activities. We also have to sign up for at least 2 CAS events each semester. I have found it beneficial because we can't grow up without participating in events that can develop our characters, help us explore ourselves and tap our potential.
The relationship between teachers and students at our school is more like the one between friends who respect each other, and the teachers try their best to encourage students to seize the opportunities, participate in activities, and present themselves. Meanwhile, as the teacher-student ratio is low, the teachers know each student very well,we are able to get teachers to write recommendation letters for us if we have asked them for help beforehand.
At students’application stages, the school shares a variety of information to help students better understand how to apply for colleges and how to choose from colleges. The school has a dedicated team of college counselors to guide and support each student. Chris, and other college counselors helped me a lot by following up and interacting with me heart and soul throughout my application process.
在校学生之间其实并没有激烈竞争的气氛,我认为这反倒是一件好事。这样学生就不会在peer competition中收到打击,而是能够根据自身情况去做出评估,制定合适的学习计划。
I think it is good that there is no fierce competition among schoolmates because students wouldn’t be overwhelmed by peer competition, but instead, they can make an appropriate academic plan by estimating their own circumstances.
Learning to enjoy life during extracurricular time is also a necessary skill. I often play my guitar in my spare time, which is the best way for me to cope with stress though I am only an amateur player. I also often sit on the school lawn reading a book when the weather is fine in order to think deeply and broadly beyond the limitations of a particular situation so that I can act more efficiently.
Personally, I have joined many social organizations and participated in a large number of activities despite my busy school schedule, and all my teachers supported me greatly in my participation in those activities.
I don't think that participation in extracurricular activities and social practice is in conflict with the improvement of academic work; On the contrary, I think they complement each other.
Participation in social practice - especially in a continuous and autonomous kind - is very helpful for self-orientation and personal planning.
To be honest, I have never worked particularly hard on my standardized tests.
One reason is that my goal is to choose a small and selective liberal arts college, where the lack of language tests can be made up by interviews or videos. In addition, affected by the covid-19 pandemic, standardized tests have been canceled repeatedly due to epidemic prevention.
In order not to be distracted by the uncertain standardized test dates, I chose to give up all my standardized tests, which resulted in low scores on the language test and no SAT/ACT scores. Don't you ever learn that from me.
In contrast to other Chinese international students, who generally put a considerable amount of efforts into some famous competitions, I chose to participate in extracurricular activities focused on social practice: many of them were original and non-profit projects, including the medical aid organization that I co-founded during the Shanghai covid blockade in March, 2022, the 3-year-long animal protection and environmental projects that I organized on campus, the multifaceted aid program for dropout school kids in Zimbabwe during the early years of the covid pandemic, etc.
Speaking of the awards I have won, they include public service certificates presented by social organizations, public service practice competitions, and entrepreneurship competitions etc. I was most impressed by the "Shanghai Guarders" support group during the Shanghai covid blockade: While doing the project, we built an interactive model from scratch to respond to patients in urgent need of medication in a timely manner, and having worked on the project for over two months, we gathered more than 600 volunteers to help more than 3,000 people.
I have revised and improved my main personal statement over and over again, producing nearly 40 drafts.
During this time, I made several major structural changes after taking into account various opinions.
The content of my personal statement is derived from the main activities mentioned above.The article focuses on my experiences and reflections as I went through these projects, which, together with my other application materials, portrayed a clear image of a social participant/reformer.
Looking back, the most important lesson I have learned from my college application process is that we must always be clear about our own positioning and goals. Don't follow what most of your peers do, and don't blindly internalize the stress and anxiety from others. Move at your own pace with your goals in mind.
For example, when I first started to understand the application process, I didn’t fully understand my abilities and strengths, nor did I have a clear vision of my goals and direction for further education. In such a state of mind, I was taking pressure from my surroundings all the time:
是不是要像A一样去参加这个知名竞赛?B说这个培训项目会对升学很有帮助,要不要交钱?C都拿到名校教授推荐信了,我要不要也去报个1对1 Research?
Should I sign up for this well-known competition as A did? Should I pay for this training program because B said it would help with my college application? Should I also sign up for a 1-on-1 research because C has got recommendation letter from a professor at a prestigious college?
However, facing the huge market of Chinese students, there are more than 1,000 so-called "opportunities" or "gimmicks" that double every year. However, compared with the number of students from Top 10 comprehensive universities and liberal arts colleges, there are only a 100 or so students every year, and this year is a record low.
My point is not that the quality of these "opportunities" is inadequate, but that until a student has the ability to discern and judge based on his or her own circumstances, the complexity of his or her activities can easily deprive him or her of a core competency, the proverbial "specialty".
How can an admission officer willingly give an offer to a student whose background is homogeneous with most students, especially when he/she only knows a student from the application materials he/she has read about in a few minutes?
Therefore, be sure to keep your own clarity and focus in a general environment full of anxiety, be sure to think about what you want, what suits you best, and how you can keep working hard to reach your goal because opportunity will really favor those who are prepared.
What I have emphasized in my material is a high level of community involvement, a practical approach to social issues from the phenomenal to the essential, and strong academic skills. The motto of Claremont McKenna College is "to develop future leaders in business and politics," so it is clear that the College expects their students to have a strong sense of action and community involvement.
As mentioned above, after I completed my college application, I learned from my college counselor at school the key reasons why the admission officers favored me. When I talked to Chris, our foreign principal, about what he thought of my application materials, the admission officer at CMC felt that my material successfully portrayed a vivid leader and showed a high level of uniqueness. Besides,this image is consistent with the way I talked and viewed during the third-party interview, and it has shown a high degree of authenticity. Our school had strongly suggested that we should take an interview with the 3rd party and submit it. I owe my success a lot to this suggestion.
To sum up, we will succeed if we are able to form a clear and full image of the applicant that meets the university's expectations in the admission officer's mind after he or she has read through the documents and papers.
I think the most difficult part is the control of the scale: how to measure your own level, what do you know about the standards of the college for which you are applying, and how to present one's own qualities in appropriate language.
With the changing world landscape and varying political factors, it’s very difficult to achieve these precisely. As far as the result is concerned, I have been very satisfied, because this college suits me best among many others.
有一个点我认为强调百遍都不足为过:一定要在申请材料中体现自己的分辨度,而不是盲目随大流地堆砌活动和奖项。而这的前提就是最好在早期就初步建立以终为始的行动模式,通过明晰目标或方向来反推自己接下来要做的事情,并时时对自身保持清楚的认知。 再者,不用盲目追求所谓的大牛推荐信,或是一些光鲜亮丽的第三方凭证,在申请季,最适合/了解你的才是最有价值的。招生官早就见多了空洞的模版化内容,申请的本质就是通过文书与材料的媒介,尽可能地将真实的你展现在招生官面前。 最后,校内成绩一定要把握住,GPA是所有申请硬件中最不可缺少的,牢牢把握住绩点后,才有资格跟真正有实力的申请者竞争。
I think one thing can never be overly emphasized: be sure to reflect your uniqueness in your application materials, rather than follow suit by blindly piling up activities and awards as you go along. The premise of this is that it is best to establish an early pattern of action that begins with the end in mind, to reflect on what you want to do next by clarifying your goals or directions, and to maintain a clear understanding of yourself at all times. Furthermore, there is no need to blindly pursue the letters of recommendation from so-called VIP or some shiny third-party credentials; during the application season, what suits or knows you best is the most valuable. Admission officers have been seeing a lot of empty template content. The essence of the application is to try your best to show the real you in front of the admission officers by means of documents and materials. The GPA is the most important prerequisites for college application, and only when you have had a secure command of your GPA, will you be qualified to compete with other tough applicants.