College Admission Reflections | Achieving my dream of attending Davidson, “I took a step forward and experienced a moment of living”
  • 2023-04-19
  • Graduates’ Stories
  • Views:1386


编者按:宏润博源2023届毕业生李同学在早申阶段如愿获得了戴维森学院、俄亥俄州立大学等高等学府的青睐。戴维森学院(Davidson College)建校于1837年,是全美最顶尖的文理学院之一,也被列为全美25所“新常春藤”名校之一,位于北卡罗来纳州的戴维森小镇上,该校不仅有23个罗德奖学金获得者,且常年排名U.S.News最佳文理学院前十五位。今年戴维森学院在中国大陆只招收三名学子,李同学便是其中之一。

Editor's note: Charlotte Li, a 12th grader of SHBS received offers from institutions of higher learning such as Davidson College and The Ohio State University at the ED and EA stages. Founded in 1837, Davidson College is one of the top liberal arts colleges in the US and one of the top 25 "New Ivy League" schools in the country. Located in the small town of Davidson, North Carolina, the school has not only fostered 23 Rhodes Scholars, but also has ranked among the top 15 of U.S. News' Best Liberal Arts Colleges over the years. This year, Davidson College only plans to admit three students from Chinese Mainland, and Charlotte is one of them.


Over the four years since Charlotte transferred to SHBS from a public school, not only has she achieved excellent GPA and standardized grades, but she has also completed a self-transformation. She once remarked that in addition to providing a diverse academic program and an environment for exploratory learning, SHBS is like a warm community which keeps encouraging her to try various things and helps her understand herself through opportunities and trials. Charlotte is very good at thinking and self-reflection, which has enabled her to take every step forward. I believe you will be impressed by her deep thinking after reading her story. 



Do you feel confused now?


I admit I do.


Undeniably, confusion is a lifetime proposition that we cannot get around. I recalled when I just got into kindergarten as a young little girl, I moved from my room at home to a classroom with 23 people, whom I was unfamiliar with, and I felt at a loss and confused. I also remembered that after knowing the results of my 1st mock tests when I was a 9th grader in a public school, more than a dozen students in my class chatted with each other about their maths papers which received full marks, while I lowered my head gazing at my paper, feeling it’s hopeless trying to retrieve over a dozen marks I got deducted. At that time, I felt frustrated and confused. Later after I transferred to SHBS, I still felt confused, but the four years of high school life has taught me how to live with confusion: even if I keep going forward burdened by confusion, I can still go far.




"Lean In"


I have been an introverted girl since childhood, and I was reluctant to take the initiative to express my thoughts and needs, which caused me to suffer a lot in my studies and brought me some unnecessary troubles when dealing with people and things. Over the years after I joined SHBS, though I have not evolved into an extroverted girl, I learned to take the initiative to strive for my goals with the help of my teachers, schoolmates and the environment provided by the school. Perhaps I am not as gifted as others,but as Sandberg mentioned in her book "Lean in", if you fail to overcome your inner timidity and "sit at the table", you will never know what kind of opportunities lie ahead and where the boundaries of your potential are.

刚来到宏润博源时,除了初中当过组织画板报的宣传委员,领导力这个概念和我毫不搭边。当时蔡同学、梁同学和吴同学主动邀请我加入校模拟联合国社团的主席团,我才得以初步了解一个学生组织的内部运作,并开始尝试主持会议;后来我们又找到校内对中国传统文化感兴趣的同学,从衣食住行到具体的行程和学术议题,都由我们几个联合安排,组织了一场很有意义的敦煌游学。在游学旅行最后的总结会上,我得到了来自同伴的一句中肯的评价:你或许不是一个团队中能力最强的人,但你有潜力去组织和管理比你更厉害的人。” 这句话一直浮在我的脑海里,是我之后成为一个领导者的动力之一。

Shortly after I joined SHBS, I had no idea what leadership was except that I had served as secretary of my class in charge of publicity. Not until Hanxiao Cai, Hina Liang and William Wu, 3 of my schoolmates, invited me to join the presidium of the Model United Nations Club of our school, did I have a preliminary understanding of the operation of a student organization and start trying to host meetings. Later, we found some students who were interested in traditional Chinese culture. We organized a meaningful study tour of Dunhuang by arranging everything ranging from food, clothing, housing and transportation to specific schedules and academic topics. At the closing meeting of the study tour, my partners gave me a pertinent comment: "You may not be the most capable person in a team, but you have the potential to organize and manage people who are more capable than you." I always kept their comment in my mind and it was their comment that motivated me to become a leader later on.




As an 11th grader, I enthusiastically started my own creative handicraft club. However, at first only a few of my friends, Nicole Jin, Tommy Xu, Alice Wei and Felicity Yang, joined it. They just make enough members required by the school for starting a club. Encouraged by my friends, I didn't choose to back out or give up, but tried to take a step forward and ran my club for a trial in the first semester while constantly figuring out and thinking about the future vision of the club ....... In the second semester, we managed to recruit three times as many members and produce a lot of creative works, and emerged with our unique creative products in the charity sales. Meanwhile, principal Bowen and Ms.Liu spoke favorably of our cultural and creative products and gave us lots of support.


It also took me a long time to adapt academically. As I hadn’t done much reading in English, in my American literature class, I had to look up a dozen new words in a paragraph, let alone discussing my understanding of the text and analyzing the characters in class. However, I learned from reading in Chinese for years that words are spiritual, and I didn't want language to be a barrier to my communication with words. I turned to Principal Chris after class for help and started asking questions from the first text we read, and Principal Chris even agreed to answer my questions from 6 to 7am before breakfast. So with the sunrise clearly visible from the windows of the school building, the obscure vocabulary, complex characters and deep core of the text were all solved. After becoming familiar with the text, I began to put forward my own opinions in class. Since "there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes",  I was no longer afraid of giving wrong answers,but wanted to see the clash of opinions in the discussion, so that I could find the most suitable one to interpret "Hamlet".


The life of a boarding school came all of a sudden, but it also taught me to take better care of myself. Previously, in my junior high school, I tried to hold on through a whole day of classes even when I ran a fever, which made my health suffer and was not worthwhile. High school life taught me to combine work and rest, and more importantly, I knew that the teachers at school gave me strong support. When I had a bad cold when seasons changed,Ms. Wang, my dorm parent would bring me warm porridge; Having known I had a bad headache during the evening study session, Ms. Irene, my homeroom teacher, took me to the nearby hospital. I gradually found a sense of belonging in this previously unfamiliar community, and it was this warm family that encouraged me to "step forward".




“Life without Limit”


I never figured out what I loved. After high school I was thinking: It's true that most of the things I'm doing now are things I love, but how long will I keep doing them? Will they be what I love doing for life? So whenever I was asked about my future major and career plan, I couldn't give a definite answer as I did in primary school. Someone suggested that I should choose an unpopular major offered by a well-known university, which would serve as a stepping stone for the application season; my grandfather also came up with his clichéd idea that the major that can make more money is the one with a future, so he suggested I should study business, or a popular major like computer and maths, which would ensure a job for me in the future. Feeling confused, I didn’t know whose advice to take.


Not until I participated in the career planning activity organized annually by the school, where we were able to meet face-to-face with masters from various industries, did I gain some new insights. A boss of a self-publishing company, whose parents did not go to university, and whose education background wasn’t good either, started a business of his own with his own creative thinking and bright ideas; A lady who studied hotel management abroad at college,had thought that she could be employed by a luxury hotel and be promoted depending on her ability, but she did not expect that every employee must work diligently at lower positions for three to five years before he or she could be promoted. Another lady who studied English literature at college, and drew inspiration from literature works, was employed by one of the world's top 500 consulting companies to do strategic planning after graduation, and later was employed by a well-known insurance company as the CEO. I regretted that I thought I was ahead of a road straight to the end, but life actually has too many forks in the road, where twists and turns and opportunities are hidden. Now the choice and future success may not necessarily have a direct link, but as long as you take each section of the road as an experience, and enjoy it, there will be infinite gains.


Later on, my mom also told me in a talk with me that no matter what major you study, you learn a way of thinking. In the future, the theories in textbooks will not help me communicate with strategic partners or write project proposals, but the logic embedded in that one theory subconsciously supports what we do and becomes the foundation for us to move forward. The reason why I finally chose to major in psychology is neither because it is easy for me to apply to nor to make money, but just because I have found fun in studying psychology, so that I can think from a psychological perspective in my life and study, and I believe that my persistence in this fun will enable me to excel in subsequent project research, internship opportunities and even my future career path, and eventually open up my own path.


The earth is round, and no matter how we move, there is no boundary. Why don't we think out of the box?



“Find your moments”

申请季的焦虑情绪大概是每一个十二年级学生的必经之路。除了还差一口气的标化成绩、等待补充和美化的活动竞赛列表、短暂却全程紧张的面试之外,就是创作、修改和润色文书的漫长过程。我的主文书创作开始得比较晚,七八月份边上夏校边构思,到了九月份才真正动笔。原本担心没有东西可以写的我在头脑风暴的过程中,列出了高中四年所做过的事情、参加的活动,才发现自己确实干了不少事。再回忆这些事件和活动的细节:在这些过程中我学到了什么,谁说了什么话让我深有启发,都历历在目。而且我养成了把日常所思所想都记在备忘录上的习惯,不管是和出租车司机的随意对话,还是在学校圆桌派社团讨论时几个碰撞的观点,又或是我在学校湖边散步时随之沉淀下来的心情.......在回看这些记录的时候就能够迸发出更多灵感,在脑海里重映这一个个 “活过的瞬间” 。

The anxiety caused by the application season was probably a necessary part of every 12th grader’s life. In addition to the standardized scores, the list of activities to be added and embellished, and the short but stressful interviews, I had to go through the long process of creating, revising, and polishing the essays. I started working on my main paperwork late. In July and August I was thinking about it while attending summer school, and I didn't really start writing until September. I was worried that I wouldn't have anything to write about. However, while doing the brainstorming, I made a list of the things I had done and the activities I had participated in during my four years of high school, and realized that I had indeed done a lot of things. Then I recalled the details of these events and activities: what I learned from them, and whose words inspired me deeply, were all vivid in my mind. I've gotten into the habit of writing down everything I thought about on a daily basis in memos, whether it was a casual conversation with a cab driver, a few colliding ideas during a discussion at the school's round-table club, or the mood that settled in with me during a walk by the school's lake ....... When I looked back at these notes, these "lived moments" were replayed in my mind and I could draw many inspirations from them.




During the application season, Principal Chris, Ms. Shannon and Chuman from the CA department, Ms.Irene, my homeroom teacher, who has been with me for several years, and my friends all discussed with me about the writing of my paperwork, and they finally helped me decide on the thesis of my paperwork, "How I have grown up through problem solving", and the focus on how I organized the online pro bono bazaar where I sold our cultural and creative products. The best advice I can give on choosing material is to write what reflects your true feelings. It's not about writing an essay, but about telling a story, having a conversation, or replaying a moment that allows an admission officer who has not been involved in your life to get to know you. In this way, every applicant has a unique story, so you don't have to be envious of others' stories, maybe you admire others, and they admire you as well.

就选校来说,我确定戴维森学院为我的ED1院校也是在暑假参加夏校的时候,ExLAC文理夏校的体验让我彻底爱上了文理学院的教育风格。其中,戴维森学院的工业心理学教授让我印象深刻,除了课上扎实的理论和实践教学,他还会分享四十年来教学与和各大产业公司合作的趣事儿,亦师亦友。我也在课上踊跃提出观点,课后与教授保持邮件沟通,及时解决问题,最终拿到了教授一份中肯的推荐信。后来在选校过程中打开戴维森学院的官网,看到一行醒目的字: “Truth is not a set of answers, it’s a way of being­ (真理不是一系列的答案,而是一种存在的方式)” ,这句话和我内心观念重合的那一刻,我便认为这里将是一个适合我的归属。

Regarding choosing from colleges, I decided on Davidson College at my ED stage when I attended summer school. The visit to ExLAC Arts and Sciences Summer School made me crazy about the education style of colleges of arts and sciences. I was impressed by the industrial psychology professor at Davidson College. In addition to his solid theoretical knowledge and practical teaching experience in class, he also shared interesting stories about his 40 years of teaching and working with major industrial companies, so for me he was both a teacher and a friend. I also actively voiced my opinions in class, and kept in touch with the professor after class by email to solve problems in time, and finally got a sincere recommendation letter from him. Later on, when I visited the Davidson College website, I saw a striking line: "Truth is not a set of answers, it's a way of being". The moment this sentence clicked with my inner ideology, I thought this would be where I should belong.

除了夏校心理学教授的推荐信,校内的推荐信也体现了我各方面的能力。学校的老师在这方面给到了充分的支持。Chris校长作为我的升学顾问、文学和历史老师,无疑是校园里最了解我的老师之一。此外,我找了我的微观经济老师Chuman和戏剧课老师Jay来写任课老师的推荐信。在微观经济课的期末项目中,我阅读了很多文献,完成了一篇主题为 “疫情大背景下的餐饮行业前景” 的论文,所以我认为Chuman老师对我的批判性思维能力有深刻了解。Jay是我们公认最幽默风趣的老师,他写的期末评语发掘了我在课堂上的每一个闪光点,给予了我很多人生启发。在沟通过程中,我还和Jay打趣儿:都快要是大学生了,我还是很迷茫。Jay回答我,迷茫是正常的,不过要趁着年轻,多听听自己的心声。

In addition to the letters of recommendation from the psychology professor at my summer school, those written by my school teachers reflected all aspects of my abilities. Principal Chris, as my college counselor and literature and history teacher, was certainly one of the most knowledgeable teachers on campus. Besides, I also asked Ms. Chuman,microeconomics teacher, Chuman,and Jay, my drama teacher, for help. For my final project in Microeconomics, I read a lot of articles and completed a paper on "The Future of the Restaurant Industry with the covid-19 pandemic ranging," so I think Ms. Chuman had a deep understanding of my critical thinking skills. Mr. Jay uncovered every single sparkle of me in class and I drew much inspiration from his comments. Mr. Jay told me that it was natural to feel confused, but that I should listen to my heart while I was young.


It's just because we feel confused that we should keep moving forward with our dreams in mind, and create those moments that really make our life worthy. 
