College Application Sharing Session: "What Seniors Have to Say About College Applications"
  • 2022-05-24
  • Admissions Activities
  • Views:1122



The loquat trees on campus are laden with yellow fruits again, and the 12th graders of SHBS are about to finish their high school days  and start a brand-new chapter of their life. The amazing achievements seniors of the 2022 class have made greatly inspired students of lower grades, making them look forward to their bright future as well. The CAS session on May 16 saw a sharing session organized by the college advising department. At the session, several 12th graders shared with students of lower grades their plans for high school days and their experience in college application. These seniors also pointed out some golden opportunities they must seize and some pits they must avoid falling into in the hope of guiding the confused lower graders.


Given that students of different grades have different focuses for college application preparation, this online session was divided into two sub-sessions: one was for pre and 10th graders and was hosted by Ms. Chloe Chen and Olivia Chen, while the other was for 11th graders and was hosted by Ms. Chuman Lin.


Pre & 10th Grades


During the sharing session for pre and 10th graders, 4 12th graders gave their unique speeches, and the audience benefited a lot from their speeches.


First of all, July Chen shared her experience and thoughts with the audience and emphasized the importance of starting as early as possible, to prepare for further study. She believes that maintaining a good GPA will lay a solid foundation for the college application. Meanwhile, planning for standardized tests (TOEFL, SAT, ACT, etc.) can greatly improve efficiency and avoid being stressed-out before college application.


Next, Edward Peng shared his application process which was characterized by anti-involution, and he jokingly compared himself to a “3-no-product”, i.e. he had no experience in attending any summer school, participating in any competition, or achieving outstanding Toefl score, which made the audience greatly interested in him. He believes that a good attitude lays a solid foundation for college application, and even though others have eye-catching CVs, you must be confident in your own strengths. Meanwhile, don’t feel discouraged even if you fail to get an offer from your dream college, because what suits you the most is the best for you.



Then, Season Xiang shared with the audience how her interest shifted and how she decided on the country and region when choosing universities. She intended to apply for the major of business when she was a 10th grader, but she became fascinated with media when she was in grade 11 because of an opportunity, so she immediately decided to major in media instead. Meanwhile, when choosing a country, Season stressed that personal interests and hobbies are a very important factor to take into consideration. Canada's snowy climate has appealed to her and perfectly matches her interest in skiing.  


Finally, Elaine Xu highlighted the preparatory work she had done in applying for the major of art. She said that during her early exploration for what she was interested in, she actually decided to major in art by eliminating what she disliked at the same time. Elaine added that she had no foundation in art before, and started to study it only one or two years before applying for college. In the end, she said it is important that you shouldn’t disapprove of yourself because of what you have not done well in the past, and meanwhile, you should keep your GPA at a steady level.   

11年级11th Grade


At the beginning of the session, Ms. Chuman Lin helped 11th graders review how to use the platform of Cialfo, and assigned them tasks. Immediately after that, the seniors began their sharing.


First, Yolanda Liu shared how she independently applied for American colleges, how to choose colleges, write essays, make plans for the deadlines set by colleges she applied for, and how she applied for scholarships independently.  Through her own efforts, Yolanda received a full scholarship granted Bard College (ranked 62nd in the US). She urged younger students to take their academic performance seriously and make sure they get a good GPA. Meanwhile, planning for standardized exams in advance, getting a decent score and writing the first PS draft during the summer vacation before 12th grade are important. She also advised students to attend college presentation sessions regularly, to think carefully about whether the environment and culture of a college matches with themselves, to do a good search for colleges, and to discuss their choices of colleges with the school's college advisors. She mentioned that her early application didn't go well and was rejected by her beloved ED/EA school. For some time, she was dismayed at the fact that many others got their good news while she received nothing. However, she quickly changed her attitude, and kept writing essays to apply for other colleges. Eventually, she received offers from several top liberal arts colleges. 

梁学姐主要从两个方面与学弟学妹们分享她的申请经历。一个是课外活动拓展,这也是大部分同学感到迷茫的地方。梁学姐在高中阶段积极参与了大量的校内外活动,比如参加模拟联合国MUN、去印度参加世界领导力项目、去敦煌研学、创办毛毛乐园、开设心灵充电站、创建社团;在学校担任学生会副主席,主持节目,参加配音比赛、演讲比赛、辩论赛等等;积极参与社会实践,利用暑托班当助教、去云南甘肃宣传家庭教育等等。每一项活动,梁学姐都是“从心出发”,从未抱着“我要拿奖,以后在大学申请的时候有用”,“我要参加这个活动,以后写文书有用” 的功利心态。也正是这种非功利,乐在其中的“玩票”性质促使她能真正投入到活动中,去认真享受体验每一次活动,也顺便锻炼了一些本领。第二个是关于ED择校的技巧。申请之前,周围有不少人都建议她挑战申请排名更靠前的大学。梁学姐也纠结过自己是否应该追随前几届学长学姐的申请路径,方便到了大学相互有个照应,但是随着对各所大学的深入了解,她发觉自己更加喜欢弗吉尼亚大学UVA的办学理念,也被UVA宣传片里“我们来到这里不是为了成为某一种特定的人,而是为了成为更好的我们自己”所触动。于是,她建议学弟学妹在做好功课的前提下,一定要遵循本心,坚定信念,不要轻易被外界的想法动摇自己的决定。

Hina Liang shared her application experience with students in two aspects.  One is on extracurricular activities, which is also where most students feel confused about. In her high school years, Hina actively participated in a large number of activities both on and off campus, such as attending Model United Nations, the World Leadership program in India, and Dunhuang research trip; founding Furry Park,  Spiritual Power Station and her own club. As the vice chairman of the ASB, she hosted shows and participated in dubbing competitions, speech competitions, debates, etc. She also took an active part in social practice: she once worked as an assistant teacher in summer nursery classes, and went to Yunnan and Gansu to promote family education.  In each activity, Hina always held on to her original aspiration, and never adopted any utilitarian attitude like "I want to win the prize, which will be useful in the college application", and "I want to participate in this activity, which will be useful in writing essays in the future".  It is this kind of non-utilitarian attitude and "finding pleasure in experincing them" that enabled her to really engage in activities, to enjoy every activity and experience seriously, and also to develop some skills.  The other is on skills in choosing colleges during ED/EA.   Before she applied for college, many people advised her to challenge universities with higher ranking. She also found it hard to decide whether or not to follow suits of the previous graduates.  Having had a deeper understanding of various colleges, she found she fell for the educational ideology of UVA, and was deeply impressed by its promotional video "We came here not to be a particular type of person, but to become our better selves."  Therefore, she suggested that younger students, as long as they do well in their schoolwork, should hold on to their own original aspiration and faith rather than be dominated by others.


Next, Eric Zhang jokingly described himself as “an animal at the end of the application chain”, who took all his standardized tests in grade 12 instead of throughout the 3 years of high school. He strongly recommended that students of lower grades should never model him but should plan for their college application earlier. Though faced with stress from college application, Eric finally succeeded in coping with various challenges during the application process with strong self-discipline. Therefore, he earnestly advised younger students to learn how to resist temptation and develop a strong sense of self-discipline, rather than expect others to keep reminding them.  For example, when invited by a fellow student to play a game, one should learn how to calmly judge the opportunity cost arising from the current decision and what is more important.  "Study hard when you should, and enjoy yourself when you can relax. "


Finally, Principal Chris encouraged students to adjust themselves and explore their own needs to find the right university for them in the coming college application season.

12年级12th Grade


In addition to the above two sharing sessions, Ms. Miao helped the rest of the 12th graders review what they should pay attention to and complete before they graduate, such as riding a bike, learning how to cook 8 Chinese dishes, and seizing the opportunities to complete their volunteer service hours, etc. Besides, she informed them of the preparation progress for the commencement. Though we are kept at home because of the covid epidemic, the school has been busy preparing for a commencement on campus. If permitted, the school will try its best to make the grand commencement possible. The class of 2022 mascot Bear, the alumni badge, and the commencement poem have all been created by 12th grade representatives.  The overall design of the commencement on campus is also in progress. We hope the epidemic will die out soon and we all can return to campus soon. 


Great thanks to the 12th grade representatives for their sincere, interesting and useful sharing session. Though it only lasted for an hour, we believe younger students must have benefited a lot and have had a further understanding of the college application process. We wish all the best for our class of 2022 in their new chapter of life. 

文 | SHBS

翻译 | Dawn Xu

排版 | Jang