- 2023-09-03
- Views:827
Dear Students, Colleagues and Parents:
It’s a real honor to be here today to speak to you on behalf of the Teaching Faculty. Even though I am someone who isn't short of things to say, I have to admit when I was first asked if I would give this speech, I immediately thought "What words of advice and motivation could I, someone who is so many years older, give to our students? High School for me was a long long time ago." Then I thought "Time, I’ll talk about time".
When I was at school, people who were much older than me would often tell me "Your school days are the best times of your life". I never believed them.
Well now I’m the person who is much older, and while I can't tell you that statement is completely true, I do want to tell you that your school days will be filled with many different types of times.
For our new students, there will be times when you feel nervous, unsure, and that's OK. You are in a new environment,learning new things in new ways from new people, and it's natural to feel like that, but you must allow yourself the time to settle in. I want you all to know that you are surrounded by people who will take the time to make sure you are doing OK.
For our returning students, there may be times where you feel frustrated at the challenges you face moving into higher level classes. If you feel like that, think back and remember what you have already achieved in the time you've been here, and know that you will achieve even more, all in good time.
For our seniors, this is an important time, when so much of your time will be spent thinking of finals, college applications, and the next steps in your life. To you I want to say make sure you take the time to enjoy your remaining time as a High School student, your future is of course important, but so is your present.
Time is something that we can never get back, once it's gone it's gone, and so I want to encourage all of you to use the time you spend at SHBS in the best way possible, for you.
Celebrate the good times with good people. Lean on those around you when times are hard. Take time to discover what you love and spend more time doing it.
If something seems hard at first, know that in time, and with time, it will get easier.
So, in conclusion, no, your school days won’t always be the best times of your life, but they are your times, make them count.
Thank you!
文 | Elizabeth Davies
翻译 | David Gu
排版 | Jang