Commencement|Speech by Alumni Association Representative
  • 2024-06-07
  • Views:618


Honorable principal Chen, principal Liu, Mr.Moses, friends and guests, 

I am Cai Hanxiao, class of 2023, and I am here on behalf of all SHBS alumni to offer my congratulations to our newest graduates.

I am also here to announce the official founding of the SHBS alumni association.

Now with more than 150 graduates, we have alumni studying at dozens of colleges and universities around the world, and our earliest have already entered distinguished masters and professional programs.

Our goal will be to provide a means of connection and opportunities for engagement as our alumni community continues to grow, and to continue sharing the success that has grown from our time at SHBS. We are excited to continue contributing to the exceptional development of our alma mater.

Congratulations to the class of 2024, and welcome to the SHBS alumni association! Thank you!

文 | Hanxiao Cai

排版 | Jang