This year, the Career Exploration Week for eleventh-grade students adopted an innovative approach. Under the guidance of their teachers, some students created seven different virtual companies in advance, each with specific positions to be filled. The remaining students applied for these positions based on their individual strengths and attempted to negotiate for higher salaries. The atmosphere of the activity was intense and exciting, with students actively showcasing their skills in front of the virtual company booths, striving to secure their desired positions and salaries. After approximately half an hour, the majority of students successfully joined a company. Subsequently, the "bosses" of each company introduced their teams, explaining the reasons for recruiting these members, the requirements for the positions, and the salary structure, showcasing their communication and leadership abilities. This simulated recruitment process allowed students to gain firsthand knowledge of job requirements, helping them recognize their own strengths and learn to navigate real job-seeking scenarios. Additionally, the bosses' introductions provided students with a deeper understanding of how different companies operate and their hiring needs, offering valuable insights for their career planning.