- 2022-10-15
- 升学活动
- 浏览量:1839
— 目标教育 —
"Making efforts without having set a goal is like taking a journey in the dark." For everyone, especially adolescents, goals are like flags and beacons guiding them to success.
On the morning of Oct. 8, after the National Day holiday, SHBS students attended a series of goal-setting sessions co-organized by the College Advising Department and all the teachers, and found that they benefited a lot from the activities. This is an annual event independently developed by SHBS to guide students on how to explore and discover themselves, and set their goals. Based on the different focuses and characteristics of students of different grades during their growth, the CA Department made different mentoring plans to help the students see more clearly what will lie ahead. This year, the CA Department has upgraded the previous goal-setting event to give students more practical guidance.

Considering that students had just taken their diagnostic tests and they had seen their grades and their teachers’ comments, they were asked to write feedback to the comments teachers gave them during the first part of the event so that their teachers might see their feelings and reflections. This activity aims to help students reflect on how they have been doing for a certain period of time, and also help teachers know more about students. Next, teachers will guide students on how to explore themselves and help them set practical goals based on their reflections on the monthly test and personality traits of different graders.
pre &10th graders(周同学Nous)

在做目标教育时,对于预备年级和10年级的同学而言,最重要的是鼓励他们更好地认识自我,更多地去尝试和发现自己的性格特点、学习特点、优势和兴趣爱好等。升学部协同班主任老师指导同学们使用测评工具快速了解自己,并进行反思和讨论,获得同伴的反馈。有同学写道,“我从小就喜欢音乐,学习音乐的时候觉得自己学得特别快,能够比其他人更准确地判断音准。” 头脑风暴之后,班主任趁热打铁,指导同学们学习了制定目标时的SMART原则,引导同学们仰望星空,脚踏实地,从短期目标开始,进阶到中期、长期目标。目标不在乎远大,而在乎于踏实,定下的目标要一步步实现,如果生活是一片大海,那我们以短期目标为帆,中期目标为舵,将自我驶向长期目标的理想岛。15、16岁的年纪正应该早早地规划未来,未雨绸缪,为漫漫人生路做好基石,为美好未来做好铺垫。
For pre and 10th graders, what is most important during the goal-setting session is to encourage them to know better about themselves, and try harder to discover their own personality and learning traits, their strengths, interests and hobbies. Working together with homeroom teachers, the CA Department helped students quickly know about themselves by using assessment tools, do self-reflection, have a discussion and get feedback from fellow students. Someone wrote, “ I have loved music since my childhood. When I was learning music, I felt that I was a very fast learner and could judge the notes more accurately than others. After the brainstorming, homeroom teachers seized the opportunity and helped students learn the SMART rule while setting goals. He advised the students to look up at the stars and walk steadily on the ground, begin with short-term goals and move on to medium and long-term goals. The goals we set don’t necessarily have to be ambitious, but have to be practical, and they must be fulfilled step by step. If life were a sea, we would take the short-term goal as the sail, mid-term goal as the rudder, and would navigate ourselves to the long-term goal of the dream island. Adolescents at the age of 15 or 16 should plan for their future as early as possible and lay a solid foundation for their bright future.
11年级11th graders

11th graders attended a lecture given by Ms. Shannon Shen from the CA Department at the school library on how to make plans for college application. By attending the lecture, 11th graders became aware of the important deadlines they would have to meet in the process of their college application and what they should do next, which also made them see that they were running out of time. Shannon stressed the importance of on-campus GPA and standardized tests, and she also emphasized that if two students had the same grades, the one who could tell his or her unique story would appeal more to college admission officers. She advised students to explore themselves and develop their uniqueness by engaging in community construction, competitions and other activities if they have extra time and energy.

Then Ms. Shannon shared some websites which could help students search overseas universities and let them explore freely, tick off the schools with their favorite campus environment and geographical location, and learn more about one or two of them. With the help of Ms. Shannon, 11th graders imagined what their bright future would be like and felt highly motivated. I believe that guided by the goals they have set, everyone will find their favorite major and dream college.

12年级 12th graders

12年级的同学们在Chris校长和楚漫老师的指导下明确了面对即将开始的申请,需要尽快完成的准备。老师们介绍完整体的申请准备工作之后,还一一指导并确认每一位同学都在cialfo账号上绑定好了common application,并鼓励大家进一步了解并确定自己的大学申请列表和申请策略。选择完后,老师又带领同学们查看了各个大学的申请要求。之后,两位老师又带领同学们开展了文书写作工坊,之后还安排外教老师们一对一阅读同学们的申请文书,并给予反馈,切实帮助同学们提升文书质量。
Guided by Principal Chris and Ms. Chuman Lin, 12th graders got a clear picture of the application process which was about to begin and what they needed to do as soon as possible to prepare for the process. After giving students an overview of the college application process, they made sure that each student had linked Common Application with his or her own Cialfo account, and encouraged everyone to further explore, finalize a list of colleges they would like to apply for and develop their own application strategies.Then the teachers asked students to read the requirements of different colleges they would like to apply for. Later, the two teachers ran a workshop on Personal Statement writing. After the workshop, foreign teachers helped proofread students’ application writing one by one, and gave feedback and advice to help the students improve their writings.

Goal setting education is a teaching philosophy that enables students to take responsibility for their lives and exert a subtle influence on students’ character. Those who have set their goals will know where to go. Only by constantly exploring ourselves, knowing and understanding ourselves, until we become stronger and more reliable, can we have the great courage to overcome difficulties and become the ones we would like to be. After all, Einstein once said: Having set a noble goal, we will surely succeed so long as we keep working, even if slowly.
文 | SHBS
审核 | Xu Wu
翻译 | Dawn Xu
排版 | Jang