学生领导力课程||如何确定目标并提升自律能力How to Set Goals&Be More Self-Disciplined?
  • 2022-11-13
  • 升学活动
  • 浏览量:1601




From 4:30 to 5:30 pm on Nov.7, Monday, SHBS started to offer its 2022 students’ leadership courses as planned. The instructors to teach this year’s course are all influential experts, who form a powerful lineup. Our sincere thanks go to Ms. Qian Qian, the president of SHBS Parent & School Association and also mum of Winnie Zheng, a student from HR 11.3, for providing such valuable resources to facilitate the growth and development of our students. The first lecture in the series was given by Ms. Chunxiang Huang, a master-degree holder from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and founder of Xishi Culture. As a charismatic and humorous lecturer, Ms. Huang enjoyed popularity among the students.

黄老师用自己的人生经历和故事,告诉同学们如何一步步成长为更好的人。 黄老师出生身农村,从小父母就告诉她只有读书才有出路,她勤奋刻苦,最后考上了华东师范大学。考上大学使她尝到了甜头,所以大学毕业后她有更高的目标——她要做全村第一个女研究生。上天不会辜负一个努力的人,她如愿考上上海交通大学研究生,换上了一个更加闪耀的标签。大学毕业后,她来到驴妈妈集团,并且在刚入职后一个月里接手了一个项目,并在公司中收获了用最短时间担任项目经理的标签。

Ms. Huang took her own life experiences as examples to share her wisdom on how to grow to be a better person. Born in a rural village, Ms. Huang was told by her parents that only by going to college could she change her destiny. She worked hard and was finally admitted to East China Normal University. Feeling good about herself after becoming a college student, she set a  higher goal after graduation -- she wanted to be the first female graduate student in the whole village. God won’t fail a hardworking person.She had her wish fulfilled and was admitted to Shanghai Jiao Tong University graduate school, winning herself a greater honor. After graduating from university, she came to Lvmama Group and took over a project within a month after she joined the company, breaking a record in her company and becoming the quickest employee in its history to be appointed as a project manager.


Not everyone can be a project manager. Ms. Huang remembered saying what was the most important and also particularly unforgettable to her superior while making a bid for the project-- I am meant to do great things in the future. She kept saying it for years in her mind so that it kept urging and encouraging her to challenge what was impossible. Courage itself is not an easy thing, but courage needs to be supported by competence. How could she be so confident of herself? She said that she was confident because she had stayed up late so many times studying, reviewing, sorting out things and simulated the process many times and was close to the "highest standard."  

人生怎会如此一帆风顺呢?很不幸,黄春香女士的首秀以失败告终。她遭遇到了挫败,很担心老板同事对她的谴责,已经做好了老板会请她走人的打算。但是,老板第一时间关心的不是项目失败,而是黄女士的情绪如何,是否因此非常沮丧。 正是老板的暖心行为更快地让黄女士振作起来,她决定战胜挫折,把成功和失败都当成人生的风景。


How can everything in life go so smoothly? Unfortunately, her debut show ended up in failure. Ms Huang was frustrated and feared being condemned by her boss and colleagues. However, her boss was worried more about how she would handle the frustration than the failure of the project. It was her boss’s encouragment that cheered her up quickly. She decided to overcome setbacks and treat both success and failure as her life experiences.

She also mentioned that she didn't encounter any office politics or cruel and cold competition on her career path, but more warm and touching moments from her team members. I think, maybe it is because she was honest and frank, always thinking about how to grow together with her team. If one wants to something great, one needs to be far-sighted. 


She finally won the bid for a larger project by making constant efforts by herself. Within only 9 days, she and her team worked day and night, spent every second seriously, and won every battle they fought. As a leader, she rushed to help whenever each department met with trouble. In the end, her team managed to complete the project which seemed impossible for them.








Later she share some other challenges she faced when serving as the CEO of Lvmama Group and how she handled them. 

From one challenge to  another, she drew the following five lessons:

The first lesson: If you start with the end towards achieving a better self, self-discipline is just an instinct.

The second lesson: Be strongly motivated and charismatic, and people will be ready to help you succeed even if you fail.


The third lesson: Collaboration promotes self-discipline, and large teams made up of ordinary individuals can also be highly efficient.


The fourth lesson: self-discipline means not self-management but resource management, and it is the standard measurement of performance.


The fifth lesson: Success can not be achieved overnight, but self-discipline will increase the probability of opportunities and chances of success.


At the end of her lecture, she made a wrap-up: When a person can manage himself well, he is also able to manage others, thus showing his strong leadership. Self-discipline is multi-dimensional and may be viewed from your own perspective, as well as from the perspective of the team and onlookers.  Self-discipline is not only a means but also a tool for setting your goals. It can be a mindset, and even a preferable attitude towards your life.


Finally, Ms. Huang ended her lecture by sharing a remark with all the students present: When you can influence more people, young trees will grow into a big forest. Thanks go to Mr. Huang for giving this lesson by sharing and analyzing her own life experience. We appreciate her courage as well as her wisdom.

文 | SHBS

翻译 | Dawn Xu

排版 | Jang