升学加油站||3月21日里德学院招生官带你访校 Meet Reed College Admission Officer
  • 2021-04-16
  • 升学活动
  • 浏览量:1471


北京时间4月21日(周三) 晚,上海宏润博源学校邀请里德学院招生官Dev Devvrat先生为同学们开设专场线上讲座,届时Dev先生将会带领大家参观里德学院的校园,介绍课程设置,教学理念和文化等方方面。感兴趣的家长和同学可以通过公众号下方的联系方式联系我们,参与线上访校。

SHBS has invited Mr. Dev Devvrat, Admission Officer of Reed College, to introduce Reed for SHBS students on April 21st (Wednesday). Mr. Dev will introduce the campus, curriculum, teaching philosophy, culture, admission requirements, etc.   It will also be a very good opportunity to learn about top liberal arts colleges in the USA. If you are interested, please scan the QR code at the bottom of the article and let us know. 


(Reed College)

成立于1908年,是美国俄勒冈州波特兰市东南部的一所私立、自主的文理学院,也是前美国苹果公司总裁乔布斯的母校,也是我校Christopher Moses校长本科时的母校。


里德学院极其注重课堂参与,认为《美国新闻与世界报道》(U.S. News & World Report)的排名方法不能反映课堂质量。因此里德学院于1995年成为美国第一个拒绝参与U.S. News美国大学排名的学校。但是,有种说法依然认为它在美国文理学院中排名第二(仅次于文理学院综合排名第一的威廉姆斯学院)。从此逸事中也可以看出,里德学院招收的是有独立思想的学子。


In SHBS, one can find many opportunities to communicate with admission officers from well-known universities.



At the end of March, SHBS College Application Office just organized a college fair, inviting admissions officers from 15 universities in six countries, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, Switzerland and New Zealand, to meet with our students face to face. 

在4月21日(下周三) 与里德学院招生官会面之前,还有两场升学分享会。

There are two more college application sharing sessions before the session with Reed's admission officer.


学校邀请Initial View 的导师到校为同学们开设专场讲座。Initial View 致力于邀请海外大学为同学们开设各类主题的大学讲座,本次讲座也会阐释海外大学申请的过程与要素。

SHBS has also invited a tutor of Initial View to meet our students on April 19th. Initial View is committed to inviting admission officers of overseas universities to share on a variety of topics for students. This seminar will also explain the process and elements in overseas university application.

4月20日(下周二) /Arrangement

学校邀请了4所英国大学招生官到校为同学们开设专场讲座,其中包括格拉斯哥大学,谢菲尔德大学,莱斯特大学, 伯恩茅斯艺术学院。感兴趣的同学和家长都可以联系我们,参与了解。

SHBS has also invited Admission officers from four UK universities--Glasgow University, Sheffield University, Leicester University, and Bournemouth College of Art--to communicate with our students. We are willing to share the resources with you. If you are interested, please scan the QR code below and let us know. 



文|Irene Ma

