开学典礼 || 总校长寄语:阅读、内核、切换! Words from General Principal Bowen Chen
  • 2023-02-19
  • 校长说
  • 浏览量:1605



We are all here for another new semester opening ceremony. I had kept wondering what to talk about to make you interested until I decided to share with you some of my experiences when I was about your age.


阅读真的能影响你的一生。有关阅读的好处你们可以通过网上查到很多,这里就不多讲了。我在中学的时候,阅读到了一本小说《三家巷》,描述的是上世纪初年轻人努力为社会变革做贡献的故事。我至今仍然记得小说中有这样一个情景:年轻人在湖里划船,他们在兴高采烈地谈论中。这个(场景)可能大家认为很一般,你们也经常兴奋地交谈,但他们是用英语在做交流,这是一百年前左右的时候。这让我留下了深刻的印象,让我对学习英语产生了浓厚的兴趣。我的中学时期是在文革中度过的, 这就是为什么像我这样年龄的人,很少能够讲英语,但我可以,虽然没有你们说得好。

First, reading. Reading can really have a lifelong influence on you. As you can find a lot of benefits of reading on the Internet, I am not going to talk much about them.

When I was in high school, I read a novel, named San Jia Xiang, which describes how young people in the early 1900s devoted themselves to making social change. I still remember a scene in the novel where the young people were rowing in the lake while talking to each other cheerfully. You may find it nothing special because you often talk to each other excitedly, but they were communicating in English and that was about 100 years ago, so I was deeply impressed by this scene and it was this scene that made me strongly interested in learning English. My high school years were spent in the midst of the Cultural Revolution. That's why few people of my age can speak English, but I can, though not as well as you do. 

二、内核 Your Core


Second, the core, which is the core competitiveness you have.  No matter how the environment changes, equipped with your true abilities, you can always find a way out and live a successful life.

One reason why my English is okay is that I was influenced by reading that novel. Another is that I was preparing to further my study in graduate school in the United States. I spent a lot of time learning English and seized every opportunity to communicate with foreigners. At that time, there was a very famous English corner in Shanghai People’s Park. Try asking your parents, or grandparents, and they all know that. At every weekend, many foreigners who were very happy to talk to Chinese people gathered there. Of course, they were surrounded by many more Chinese. As you all know, if you were brave enough, you would have more chances to talk.  If you are brave enough in class, you will have more chances to interact with your teachers. At that time, we could talk with foreigners in People’s park for free.  Later, for various reasons, I did not go to the United States, but I laid some English foundation. One of the reasons why I didn't go to the U.S., you know, was that I met someone who made me change my mind. However, having been an instructor for physics competitions in Shanghai High School for ten years, I became a very experienced physics teacher who helped many students win prizes every year. So my English and my physics professionalism made up my core abilities. Therefore, when the International Division of Shanghai High School was established, I rightfully became a member of the founding team and the first teacher to teach IB physics, perhaps, nationwide. International education broadened my horizon, and enabled me to have an updated understanding of educational philosophy, educational curriculum, educational methods, etc. so that I took a big step forward in my life.  To sum up, every cloud has a silver lining and opportunities always await those who are prepared.

三、切换 adaptation


Third, adaptation. In fact, I have already talked about my personal adaptation. Each of us can be unconsciously influenced by reading, continuously strengthens our own core abilities in practice, and then will successfully adapt and do our best in the future, no matter what happens.

文 | Bowen Chen

翻译 | Dawn Xu

排版 | Jang